How to Develop Good Report Writing Skills

Good course. Well run.

All of the sessions were very useful as well as the practical exercises.

Thanks very much for the session today. I really enjoyed it. It refreshed my memory as well as teaching me some new skills.

I write a lot of reports but I picked up some good tips.

I have personally done and received a lot of training and John was really great.


This course is designed to assist staff in the organisation who may be required to write — reports; briefing notes; board submissions; annual reports; research papers; business proposals; planning submissions and operational procedures — in the essential skills of report writing. It is intended as an introduction to those new to report writing, as well as a refresher for those who are seeking to improve their report writing skills. The course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to become excellent report writers.

Course Content

The course will cover in detail how to:

  • define the purpose of the report
  • establish the nature of the report’s readers: what they know; what they don’t know
  • decide what to include
  • collect the information
  • sort, evaluate and assemble the relevant information
  • organise the order of presentation using subheadings
  • understand the strategic use of figures, charts and graphs
  • put it all together and draft the report
  • write the report in a clear, concise and appropriate manner
  • ensure the writing is sequential and easy to follow by using topic sentences.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course participants should be able to:

  • produce reports that are easily read: succinct, to-the-point and crystal clear
  • gather and organise information effectively
  • structure information that makes it easy for readers to understand and to act on
  • present complex information and issues in the simplest manner possible
  • reach conclusions and make recommendations that are supported by the report’s evidence
  • produce appropriate and practical executive summaries

Benefits to Your Organisation

Management will:

  • have more confidence in staff to produce professional reports
  • be presented with reports that are easier to read
  • spend less time trying to understand the contents and conclusions of reports
  • be more assured that reports are well researched, accurate and correct in their conclusions.

Benefits to You

  • You will know how to write about complex information in a clear, concise, informative and more easily-read way.
  • You will have more confidence in your ability to write good reports.
  • You will produce reports that are valued in your department.
  • You may enjoy an enhanced reputation within your department as someone who can produce excellent, well-received reports.

More Details

For further details, please contact John.