Perth Writers Festival
Perth Writers Festival
The programme for the Perth Writers Festival runs from 4th to the 7th March.
On the Friday I’m appearing in an all-day seminar called, The A-Z of Getting Published with such luminaries of the publishing world as literary agent Lyn Tranter Meredith Curnow, Publisher of Vintage and Knopf at Random House in Australia Mandy Brett, senior editor at Text Publishing Clive Newman, Director of Fremantle Press Terri-Ann White, the director of UWA publishing and Emma Morris, publicist with Scribe Publications It should be a great day with lots of the inside skinny on how to be published.
On Saturday at 2.00pm I’m chairing a debate between Raymond Gaita and Antony Loewenstein on Gaza: Zionism and Anti-Zionism. The start point will be the invasion of Gaza in 2008, which provoked worldwide condemnation of Israel and even questions about its right to exist. Some asked why other nations acting unjustly don’t face debate about their sovereignty. Raymond and Anthony will be discussing these and other issues in what is bound to be a robust and sparkling debate… with me in the middle.
On Sunday at 9.30 I’m chairing a panel called The Death of Print with four experienced critics and writers: James Bradley, Lev Grossman, Angela Meyer and Geordie Williamson who will be surveying the entire literary landscape to see how much it has been altered by the internet. Although the death of the book is constantly being proclaimed is it being exaggerated? What is the future of books and reading? Will e-books change the way the publishing industry works? Lev Grossman, Geordie Williamson, Angela Meyer and James Bradley will be weighing into the debate… and I’ll be on the sideline listening with bated breath.
Hi John & Abbe,
Great step creating a blog. This seems to be the way to reach people.
This was especially emphasised by Christian Fletcher & Mark Stoddardt who are active bloggers.
I’ve just been to the Australia Day Photography seminar, Big Day Out on “True North”. Presenters included Christian Fletcher, Mark Stoddardt, Nick Raines, Michael Fletcher (Video) .
Christian said his courses are now largely filled via his blog.
Much less leg-work than before.
My good wishes for your blog.