Hello world!
I’m John and I’m a journeyman writer…
I like the word journeyman*
It conjures up visions of a medieval craftsman, maybe a stone mason or woodworker travelling from town to town, perhaps from country to country, plying his – or in a few cases, her – trade. A journeyman would settle down to a new job, make a few friends, have a few ales in the ale-house and then, after a few months or a couple of years, move on.
I know it’s a romantic vision but then, I’m a creative writer. What would you expect?
This blog is about the journey – the arduous trek involving the frequent swamps of despair and the rare molehills of triumph – of a journeyman writer: someone who has made a living writing pretty well everything… from ad copy to crime thrillers and television scripts; from ghost-writing self-help books to the stories of rich bankers and modest war heroes. Someone always moving on to a new challenge in writing, while asking questions and looking for answers about life and writing and books and, well… pretty well everything, I guess.
That’s why the blog is called QuesterJohn.
The content will be pretty eclectic, though the bias will be about the constant learning curve of someone who makes a living putting words together for other people to read.
Which, according to E L Doctorow, is a socially accepted form of schizophrenia.
*for a definition of the word, journeyman, and an explanation about why I don’t use the term ‘journeyperson’ see ‘The Journeyman Writer’